Pine Creek Gorge

4797 Rte. 660
Wellsboro, PA 16901
Phone: 570-724-3061
Region: Pennsylvania Wilds

The Pine Creek Gorge, almost 50 miles long and over 1,000 feet deep, is known as the Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania. It offers spectacular views, abundant wildlife and beautiful foliage that promise a brilliant fall display of deep reds, yellows and purples in early October. Be sure to make a stop in the quaint town of Wellsboro where you'll see gas-lit streets and Victorian mansions that date back to the early 1800s. The drive along the west rim of the gorge provides beautiful scenery and an impressive density of northern PA birds and other wildlife. Migratory and breeding birds that can be seen include woodpeckers, mourning and black-and-white warblers, wild turkey, and wood and hermit thrushes.

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