Fermentery Form & Blendery

1700 North Palethorp Street
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Region: Philadelphia & The Countryside

Fermentery Form & Blendery isn’t your typical brewery. In fact, it’s not a brewery at all, even though they produce some amazing craft brews. Instead, it’s a “fermentation lab,” where they take the wort (unfermented beer) produced by a nearby brewery (from Fermentery’s own hops and grain) and then ferment it with their own strains of yeast and bacteria, using a system of barrels that dates back hundreds of years. The result is truly unique, flavorful beers, unlike any other beer you’re likely to taste. Their highly popular Fooz is a wheated sour, aged for three months, and uses 250 pounds of Pennsylvania peaches in its production. Fermentery’s farmhouse-style tasting room is open most Thursday evenings and randomly, so be sure to check their social media pages to see when and what will be flowing from their three taps.

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