Adams Apple Bike Ride


Repeats: None

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania 17325
(717) 334-8151
Region: Dutch Country Roads
Hours of operation: 8 am-1 pm
Admission fee: $12 - $50

The Adams Apple Bike Ride has four bicycle routes to choose from - a family friendly 3-5 mile ride ($15/adult and $12/child 12 and under); a 25 mile route through eastern Adams County, a Northern 50 mile route through the rolling orchards of the Upper Adams region and a Southern 50 mile route through the flatter farmlands of the southern part of Adams County ($40/person). Registration fees are through May 4 and include snacks and beverages along the route, post-ride lunch, one complementary adult beverage for those over 21 and emergency roadside support. Prices increase after May 4 - family ride, all riders are $15; all other routes are $50/person.

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