Wykoff Run Road To Quehanna Highway

Wykoff Run Rd.
Sinnamahoning, PA 15861
Phone: 814-647-8401
Region: Pennsylvania Wilds

Driving in Pennsylvania's elk country is a chance to see some of the state's most remote and rugged forestlands. This picturesque drive follows Wykoff Run, a well-known trout stream. Several pull-offs allow for streamside viewing with the sound of babbling water. Wykoff Run Road is a great drive to try after visiting the recommended sites along Route 555. Use caution while traveling as elk and deer are abundant and unpredictable. Look for white-tailed deer, black bear, elk, and small mammals. Year-round resident birds include Wild Turkey, Black-capped Chickadee, and Eastern Blue Jay in spring and summer. Red-tailed and Broad-winged hawks can be seen perched on tree limbs along the roads in spring. Listen for the Whip-poor-will singing around dusk.

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