East Branch Clarion River Lake

631 E. Branch Dam Rd.
Wilcox, PA 15870
Phone: 814-965-2065
Region: Pennsylvania Wilds

A 12-mile river section of fishing incl. bass, musky, panfish, suckers, walleye and trout. Lake stocked with musky fingerling, walleye fry & lake trout yearling. This 1,370-acre lake is known for its unlimited horsepower boating. Motorboats must display a boat registration from any state. Non-powered boats must display one of the following: boat registration from any state; launching permit or mooring permit. Boating opportunities include deep-draft, high-powered recreational boats. Wildlife, intermittent riffles, and rock outcrops provide changing scenery. Anglers 16 years and older must possess a valid fishing license.

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